Vision and Mission of Shower House Ministries
What we are all aboutVision Statement: Showers of Hope to the Hopeless
Mission Statement: We are releasing hope through showers, toiletries, clothes, shoes, haircuts, and prayer.
Ministry Verse: Jeremiah 2:22 NIV, “Although you wash yourself with soda and use an abundance of soap, the stain of your guilt is still before me,” declares the Sovereign LORD.”
Categories of the Ministry:
- Showers of Hope
- “Shower Days” : Days that we go and provide showers and give away donations.
- “Showers of Hope Team” : Volunteers to operate the showers on “Shower Days”
- Socks of Hope
- Shoes of Hope
- Shirts of Hope
- Haircuts of Hope
- Warriors of Hope (Prayer Team)
Ministry Needs (What we ask people for):
- Soap
- Washcloths
- Towels
- Sandals
- Tooth brushes
- Razors
- Clothes for Giveaway (Only new items)
- Donations for Haircuts (Buy a Haircut campaign)
- Donations for Showers (Buy a Shower campaign)
- Volunteers for the “Showers of Hope Team”